Wajdi Mouawad has written this play in four acts. Each one is named after a bird: Bird of Beauty, Bird of Chance, Bird of Misfortune, and Amphibious Bird. It's as if Mouawad has left us an enigma with each title; these four names resonate like mythical beasts that have governed the world since before time. Four wondrous and terrible birds that steer our lives this way and that, ruling over the fate of the world. Four birds that invite us to climb onto them and show us realms of the human soul that we need to discover more than ever today.
Moving from one bird to another to become All Birds (Tots Ocells).
We premiere in ten days, and the show is taking on its own breath. It is exciting. After months of rehearsals, now all the pieces come together: the lights, the videos, the sound space, the physical space... All to create a new space of life, a space to bring life back to life through fiction.
"NORAH- Exactly! Don't you see the trap you're pushing me into? You spit in your father's face, and I can't choose between you two!"
"EDEN- Nothing else makes sense, Eitan, except perhaps the birds of chance that come and go, invisible, and throw us into each other's arms without us understanding anything."
"LEAH- But how do I do it, after seeing this, if I still can't open my heart to him? Do I get down on my knees and ask for forgiveness? How do I do it? It's already unbearable enough, with everything that's happening here, and this peace that you promised me that never comes..."
"WAHIDA- David. Now I will tell you a story that my father used to tell me when I was little."
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Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)