Martina, Laura, Roger, Clara, David, and Núria are starting the tour of El zoo de vidre! They will travel through various and diverse stages to the rhythm of piano and vinyl records to bring this beloved text by Tennessee Williams to life.
El zoo de vidre is an ideal show to kick off scenic explorations, works that reveal the seams of their production. This is what we aim to achieve with director Martina Cabanas: the goal is to bring the story to life with a rehearsal-like aesthetic, allowing the interpretive power of four actors to strike us with the harshness and humanity of the drama we will experience together.
El Zoo de vidre
Text Tennessee Williams
Direction by Martina Cabanas
With David Anguera, Laura Conejero, Clara Moraleda and Roger Torns
14/09/24 at 20h - Teatre l'Amistat de Premià
15/09/24 at 18:30h - Teatre La Patronal Sant Quirze del Vallès
21/09/24 at 20h - Teatre Ateneu Igualada
27/09/24 at 20h - Teatre Principal de Palma
28/09/24 at 19h - Teatre Auditori Manacor
05/10/24 at 20h - Teatre Monumental Mataró
12/10/24 at 20h - Espai escènic Iago Pericot Ca n'Humet El Masnou
20/10/24 at 19h - Teatre Principal Castelló
26/10/24 at 20h - Teatre Auditori Llinars del Vallès
27/10/24 at 18h - Teatre Bartrina Reus
10/11/24 at 18h - L’Atlàntida de Vic
15/11/24 at 20:30h - Teatre Arniches Alacant
24/11/24 at 18h - Teatre Principal de Vilanova i la Geltrú
01/12/24 at 19h - Teatre Auditori de Sant Cugat
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