Tuesday, October 8th at 7:30 PM at Joan Coromines Square - CCCB
Playwright Wajdi Mouawad and director Oriol Broggi discuss theatre as an experience of healing and emancipation in a society where violence is present every day.
Free admission.
Wajdi Mouawad is one of the greatest playwrights of our time. Exiled due to the Lebanese Civil War, his work brings universal conflicts to the forefront, such as the legacy of war and violence, uprooting, and the search for one's identity. Mouawad's timeless perspective invites us to reflect on the complexities of the human condition and the wounds we inherit; at the same time, his works make evident how art can serve as a space for healing, a language that can open us to the hope of a better humanity.
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(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)