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We start the new season with #AsSocPerla



On Monday, September 30th, #AsSocPerla kicked off the new season. It was a pleasant afternoon where we reunited with the Friends of La Perla 29 after the summer break. The board reviewed the previous season and shared the goals for this year, all of which were approved with enthusiasm and a strong desire to participate. We then had the pleasure of enjoying a dance piece by Andrés Corchero, specially created for the space at La Biblioteca Theatre. With sensitivity, he dedicated the piece to the figure of the foreigner. Featuring texts by Feliu Formosa and a soundscape created by Damien Bazin and Corchero himself, the performance was both poetic and insightful, rich in imagery that will stay with us for a long time.


Finally, Oriol Broggi and Ariadna Fernández, head of communications at La Perla, presented an exclusive preview of the new season that is now beginning. For a company like ours, having the audience close and making them feel part of the project is essential, as they push us to go further and constantly remind us that the incredible efforts in theater are worth it. A shared theater. A place where you want to belong.

Thank you very much, and have a great season!


“It is a deep search that often generates frustration from not knowing how to move at all, and it is crucial to reach this point in order to be able to receive, absorb, and transmit an external stimulus, generating a new movement that does not come from what we already know. This new movement may be exactly the same as one you performed before, but it has now acquired a new authenticity rooted in the acceptance of the foreign as your own.”


Corchero, Andrés. En aquest món hi ha d’haver de tot. Barcelona: Comanegra, Mercat de les Flors, Institut del Teatre, 2023, p. 53.

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