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Kill the King to get the Crown

In the forests of Scotland, Spinoza’s words—to do good and be happy—seem but a distant echo. In this land of mists and mysteries, where fumes rise more sinister than those of hell, evil can be boundless. For Macbeth is timeless. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth bear upon their shoulders the weight of universal barbarity.

And yet, surprisingly, amidst the darkness and the crimes of the new king, three witches appear—three Tiger Lillies—offering a poetic and musical counterpoint. The play’s unique structure, its very writing, its poetry, exudes undeniably musical qualities. But when we hear them, when their music plays, language becomes enchanting, evoking the supernatural with an enigmatic blend of irony and curse.

"Tell your husband, he’ll be king
Conquer all, obey and scream
Treachery by the hour
The old king dies in the tower
Kill for power"

Martyn Jacques - Tell your husband

Then, words transform into images that will dance within the movements of our three actors. Images born from our imagination, propelled by the shifting musical harmonies of this waking nightmare.

"Later on he’ll kill you too
Your corpse hanging in the zoo
Cut your throat with a razor
Or in the future use a phaser
Blow your brains out in a car
As a killer he’s a star
He’ll kill you, do it for free
He’ll kill you, and he’ll kill me
He’ll kill…"

Martyn Jacques - Kill, Kill, Kill