Last Friday, the entire La Perla team was cleaning a large Tona ship where we will store our scenographies. We had lunch at Restaurant 4 Carreteres, located in an old crossroads, and we realized that every town has a crossroads that means something special to that corner of the world. The 4 Carreteres de Tona, the 4 Camins de Sant Vicenç dels Horts, the Fountain of the 4 Carreteres de Terrassa, the 4 Cantons of Girona... Everyone keeps in their memory the vivid image of a crossroads they have passed through.
Perhaps, after all, we are made of these crossings, knots that we tie when our paths meet, that bind us together forever and keep inside. We are looks, gestures, silences that forge us when our paths cross.
All the thrust in the theater. See you there!
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Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)