The Théâtre National La Colline is big, very big, as befits a national theatre. The team welcomes us with open arms and shows us the route through the facilities. For a good five weeks, this space will be our home, our stage, our audience, our dressing rooms.
In the mornings, Cesc, Juan, Damien, Pep and Francesc dedicate themselves to setting up the technical part together with the La Colline teams. In the afternoon, rehearsals are intense, until eleven at night. Everything must be ready for the premiere on Wednesday 16. Montse trains with the horses, Spartacus and Moreno, to get familiar with them; Joan, Marià, Blai and Marc practice the musical pieces; the performers step on the sand, take in the dimensions of the new stage, deeper and wider than that of the Teatre La Biblioteca.
On Sunday the 13th we take a walk. It's the first time we've performed the entire play at La Colline, without interruption. Everything fits. We have a good feeling, although some things still need to be adjusted. The next one will be the 15th, the last rehearsal.
On Monday it's time to rest, it's time to set foot in Paris, which welcomes us in sunny weather. We make a crossing in bateau mouche , surrounded by tourists who join our party, the music of Joan Garriga and our joy. We approach the Eiffel Tower and practice the beginning dance. A spontaneous man joins us, who dances with us to the rhythm of Benny Goodman.
The next day, March 15, the nerves return. Final touches to the scenography, costumes, final rehearsals. Spartacus walks on the sand with his steed. The space is lit up with colors while they do the lighting tests. A team from Estudi Carmel records everything from all angles: this experience will remain in our memory, and also in a documentary piece they are preparing. Part of the team dines at the La Colline restaurant, a space called La Gamelle des cheffes, which Asha and Amina run with care and warmth.
It's seven in the afternoon. Enrico, Clara, Guillem, Laura, Xavi, Màrcia, Montse and Blai listen attentively to Oriol's latest instructions. In a little while the lights will go down and the final rehearsal will begin. Tomorrow will be the big day.
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abans de la funció)