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In La Colline everything is possible

Week 2. Second reading of 28 and a half .

The Library Theater is full of sand. The entire Gothic nave is ready to host the 28 and a half rehearsals. There are canvases, and wooden chairs, false windows, and an arch that frames everything, and a sculpture that presides over the scene. And a tuba.

"In La Colline everything is possible", says Oriol. On Friday January 21, Oriol, Blanca Arderiu (head of production), Gina Barbeta (producer) and Cesc Pastor (head of technique) visited La Colline. It's a bigger theater than ours, but not by much. But everything is possible there, because they have everything. So we'll put the screens on it to project the images, and the sand, and everything else that's needed. Even the horse.

Marc Serra tunes the guitar.

The text will be a bit longer. "They told me to shorten it, but I made it longer", says Oriol. There are more things, in this 28 and a half reloaded . Because a lot has happened since 2013. For example, there are fragments of a text that Wajdi Mouawad himself wrote during the confinement, mixed with fragments of Una Giornata particolare, of Otto e mezzo , of Dante, of Faust , there are many things in this work. Also fragments of Hamlet, but Guillem will not say them. Too obvious, Guillem is already saying them these days in Aribau. Maybe a woman will tell them.

Xavi Boada starts reading.

"In the middle of the path of our life
I found myself in a dark forest,
because the right way was lost..."

And the words begin to come alive. And we have to imagine that the actors and actresses are entering the stage, and a soft music plays. And Xavi starts to sing.

Che farò lontan da te pena dell'anima
senza vederti, senza averti, nor save you
anche lontano non vorrò dimenticarti
and laura anche se è ormai impossibil il nostro amor

How to remove perfume from the flower?
How to remove harmony from the wind?
Come negar che ti amo vita mia?
How to take this passion in my chest?

And then, they all start singing Capossela. And the voices fill the nave, and climb towards the Gothic vaults.

And after this magical moment, continue reading. A scene from the Giornata. Antonietta enters Gabriele's house because her parakeet has escaped. Laura Aubert loves to be a parrot, so she will be the parrot. And while Clara and Enrico recite, the rest look at them, because the story of the Giornata, of that impossible love, comes to life again, even if only for a while.

And then, Enrico transforms into Fellini, and tells Clara the story of Notxa, a story that Oriol read when he was little and that made a great impression on him. And so, telling this story of the Chinese boy, the walls are filled with colors, the colors that Blai paints, and the music plays again, and Federico becomes Enrico again and Clara becomes the Clara, and they cross the curtains and enter a new world...