December 17 First reading of 28 and a half .
At the Theater La Biblioteca everything is ready. One by one, the actors and actresses of the production are arriving to do the first reading: Xavi Boada, Clara Segura, Enrico Ianniello, Guillem Balart, Laura Aubert, Blai Juanet, Montse Vellvehí, Joan Garriga and Marià Roch. Màrcia Cisteró could not be there today; Montse reads her lines.
Oriol Broggi explains to everyone the origin of the montage: "The idea arose around a rice field. We wanted to do something fun, a play where we could sing and dance, a circus show, with music, in the Italian tradition. And, in the background, Fellini's 8 ½ , the story of a film director who wants to make a film but doesn't know how to make it. We didn't know how to do this work either, but we knew we wanted to do it."
The play was performed in the summer of 2013. Oriol made some notes in case we ever staged it again. “I wanted a character to go into balloons. Look, it occurred to me." But almost ten years passed and the notes ended up in a drawer.
And then Wajdi appears. Wajdi is God, but you can't talk to God, so we talked to his right-hand man, the director of programming at Théatre La Colline, he told us that he wanted us to do something in his theater. That they invite us to Paris! On the Hill!
This 28 and a half will be a little different. Clara, Montse, Xavier and Màrcia repeat. There are new, younger actors who can bring new things. There was a lot of music then, now there will be live music, which is why we have Joan Garriga and Marià Roch again at La Perla. Laura plays the violin and double bass very well, and Blai knows how to play the saxophone. "And the trumpet, Blai? We always wanted to put a trumpet solo somewhere", says Oriol. Blai can try. Guillem and Xavi can also play the guitar. And Clara and Marcia? Let them sing, they can sing.
And in addition, we will unload the sand at La Colline. And we will have a horse.
We will improvise on the fly, we will create a show together, as if it were a rehearsal. The story of a character who is in crisis, who is in a difficult life moment, and has the feeling that he is in a jungle, in a forest, that he has lost his way and does not know where to find his place. And he doubts what he's doing. There will be megaphones and walkie-talkies. We will speak in English, in French, also in Italian and Catalan. we will play we will have fun We will return at 28 and a half .
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abans de la funció)