Categories Thought


#4 Meeting with Marina Garcés and Roberto Fratini

per Albert Reverendo

La Perla 29 and #AssSocPerla invite you...

What if the uncertainty we are experiencing opens doors we never imagined? From La Perla 29 we want to explore this possibility to re-appropriate the uncertainty and turn what could seem like a great storm into an explosion of alternatives. We are convinced that theater has this responsibility: it can help us rethink ourselves collectively. That's why we started talking about crossroads, because they are an open point from which to find new paths. The theater is precisely that: a place made to house many, a time that transforms according to the fiction represented, a meeting space between actors and characters, between the audience and fantasy.

We want to think from the crossroads and that is why we have invited Marina Garcés , philosopher and writer, and Roberto Fratini , playwright and professor of Dance Theory at the Institut del Teatre, to share a dialogue to deploy this approach . They are people who live attentive to this perspective, who suggest that we think, feel and be moved from here.


Albert Reverendo
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