Who was Oedipus Rex? What happened to him? And what is he talking about since the night of our times?
Now that the holidays are approaching and maybe the weather is dilating with the sun of a Sunday afternoon, we are excited to share with you a series of reflections about the mythical king who was blinded and banished when he learned the harsh reality who was it These days we have been thinking about La Perla: while seeking to understand the crossroads in which we all currently find ourselves and which we are determined to inhabit in an honest and hopeful way, we have crossed paths with Oedipus and his tragedy made of paths that they find Blood folds upon blood, crime is consummated at a crossroads, gods and humans look face to face, and the fault committed by ignorance is revealed. And finally a question: what does he see who was blinded by the cruel light of the truth?
So, taking advantage of the fact that the calendar seems to celebrate world theater day, we deliver an 8-page document, an unfolding of the tragedy accompanied by various voices, which we hope will be a good read for you. Print it out and staple it, so that it accompanies you wherever it best serves you in these strange days. Perhaps Oedipus holds some key to our lives that, despite everything, remain standing. Perhaps Oedipus preserves today more than ever the echoes of the myth of the past, of that distant era that still cradles us like a mother.
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