Filumena Marturano captivates us with the chemistry of two interpretative traditions: the Catalan and the Neapolitan. This is, in large part, what makes it such a lively and theatrical work. And precisely this is what makes us eager to see it again: Enrico Ianniello maintains a highly entertaining and intense stage presence with Clara Segura in the role of Filumena.
Enrico Ianniello is Domenico Soriano
Enrico brings the essence of Neapolitan theater, crucial in the works of Eduardo De Filippo, an author deeply rooted in the city. Filumena would not be understood without Naples, just as Naples would not be the city it is without the characters of Eduardo De Filippo. In fact, Enrico told us during rehearsals that everyone there, at one time or another, has uttered a phrase from the playwright. It's almost as if in Naples, people learn to do theater through De Filippo, and everyone recognizes themselves as Neapolitans when they see themselves reflected in his characters.
Through Enrico, we perfectly grasp what we also have of Neapolitan. It is a theatrical way of life, a comic and dramatic touch in the most everyday things. Enrico perfectly captures a thought of Eduardo De Filippo that we can't help but share with you:
Public and private spaces blend, the interiors of homes are a continuation of the street, and squares are extensions of dining rooms. The audience sits in the kitchen and dining room of the Soriano family's home, and the marriage is discussed in a hyperbolic manner, aware that the neighbors are literally stuck at home. Enrico knows this well and plays it with great agility alongside Clara Segura. The entire company has absorbed this theatrical complicity of the Neapolitans, which De Filippo captures so well, while the audience is an indispensable part of this always lively and exciting game.
Filumena Marturano is a slice of life seen through the theater. A poem about everyday theatricality. The drama experienced by the characters becomes a comedy in the eyes of the spectators. And both celebrate, as Benjamin observed, that "simple existence, an issue so private for Northern Europeans, is here a collective matter."
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