Often, the most absurd things, all of a sudden, give us a new meaning. And everything that made sense until now, with the sudden twist, becomes absurd. When we receive important news, when a child asks us a question that arises from within, when one day the mother grows old. Or sometimes simply when an object breaks by accident, or a bird stops at the window, looks at us, and continues flying. In these events, there is a certain transmutation of the world, of what we prioritize, of how we feel. Travy takes us to a similar border.
Here, fiction and truth blend, and reality at first seems like a lie, until gradually everything has turned upside down. Again, like when we receive important news. And it is because the Travy family is also the Pla-Solina family, and vice versa. And Quimet, Núria, Oriol, and Diana are themselves and are a thousand clown masks inside the circus tent, which could also be the dining room at home. As the saying goes, every family is a world. Because that means that every family has theatricality. Every family is, fundamentally, a game, a fiction, the absurdity of being born here or there that gives us all the sense in the world, so that it turns out to be anything but absurd.
When the world inverts as if we were doing a handstand on a big rubber ball, metaphors roam freely and show us everything from another perspective. It may seem absurd, but if you let yourself be carried away by the poetics of the show, you will see that its images overflow with meaning and take us beyond. And when this happens in art, in the theater, we feel the heart beating in the throat and then laughter or a tear follows.
Travy captivated us right away. We were enchanted by its immensely theatrical poetics: a spotlight that illuminates from a perfect angle, a curtain that opens forming improbable folds... Objects that take on a new presence on stage and reappear under the fine and translucent layer of beauty. And, above all, the strength, irony, and great love for the stage of Diana, Oriol, Núria, and Quimet; and all the team that accompanies them. In a way, we feel that La Perla 29 and the Travy family share a way of understanding our craft, a search for life on stage, a common starting point, which is the clan, the troupe, or, ultimately, the family.
That's why we wanted to coexist with them at Teatre La Biblioteca, and we want you to be able to coexist here too.
Enjoy as much as we do with Travy,
La Perla 29
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