With #AsSocPerla, we invite you to a series of conversations about theater, art, and culture. We want to discuss the world around us from Teatre La Biblioteca. We start with two meetings this February. The activities are free, book your spots!
Monday, 5th of February, at 7:30 pm at Teatre La Biblioteca // #AsSocPerla
With Andreu Gomila, Irene Vicente, and Ferran Utzet
What do we mean when we talk about the Theater of Art? And what does it have to do with the supposed "crisis of Catalan theater" that often alarms us? It was Stanislavski who first coined this formula to name his theater in Moscow in the late 19th century, and Adrià Gual followed suit here at the same time. It was then a widely used expression at the Teatre Lliure de Puigserver, a great reference for La Perla 29, which also often speaks of the Theater of Art. But what do we refer to? What theatrical experiences does it encompass? Who practices Theater of Art today? To discuss this, we invite Andreu Gomila, Irene Vicente, and Ferran Utzet, with whom we will inquire about the state of current Catalan theater, the cultural legacies between generations of creators, and the trends and languages that are currently in dialogue.
*This conversation arises from the following article published in El Temps de les Arts: Read it here. Llegeix-lo aquí.
Monday, February 26, at 7:00 pm at Teatre La Biblioteca // #AsSocPerla
With Xavier Albertí, Oriol Broggi, and Xavi Valls
Did you know that Eduardo De Filippo and Pier Paolo Pasolini maintained a discreet friendship based on mutual admiration and artistic exchange? In recent months, La Perla 29 has brought us back to the world of Eduardo De Filippo, full of bustle, passion, and life... And in this world, we have found the link between these two great Italian artists. #AsSocPerla wants to reconstruct—with the help of poetry, theater, cinema, and music—what united these two great figures, the artistic trace left by their friendship, which we wanted to recover and show you. For all this, we will have the participation of Xavier Albertí and Oriol Broggi, two of the directors who have staged Pasolini and De Filippo the most in Catalonia, accompanied by Xavi Valls, the translator of Poema en forma de Rosa and Filumena Maturano.
Do you want to become a member of #AsSocPerla? All the information here.
C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)