The life in the bar is tough, especially if you never wanted it. Artemi hoped he'd never have to stand behind the bar, but life led him to grasp his father's bar cloth. For the devil lurks around every corner, sometimes dressed in red horns and other times with a long beard. And in this tale, he wears an American jacket and red curtains, proposing a pact to poor Artemi that he won't be able to refuse if he wants to regain his freedom beyond the bar's doors... But as we know, as Faust already taught us, those who make pacts with the devil often end badly, if this never ending story ever ends at all!
Poor Artemi, the teetotal bartender, who will never taste what he will serve. He's already tangled in a serious web of smuggling and promises, of inspections and rounds of well-graded liquors! All to this through the rhythm of a song. And as in any good story, there's a character who complicates everything... It's Love, which appears when it pleases and stings like a dagger when not reciprocated.
Oh Artemi, what will you do?
At La Perla, we're eager for you all to come and discover this new bar!
Do you want to become a member of #AsSocPerla? All the information here.
C/ Carme, 44 1r 2ª
Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)