A story full of small stories, with an idea running through them: the farewell to childhood and the realization of the deception that dreams produce.
It's four in the morning. Ringo, a 15-year-old boy, has been left alone, locked in the dance hall of the "La Lleialtat" cooperative, writing in his notebook. Suddenly a man with a scary face appears who seems to be alive and hiding in a shelter. That night he had to go out to look for food and he met the boy...
From this meeting and under the gaze of the adolescent Ringo, a network of characters and situations parades with post-war Barcelona as a backdrop; Captain Blay, Betivú, Pèl-roja, Inspector Galván, Mr. Conrado, Java, Palau, Marc, Aurora, Susana, Mrs. Mir... And alongside them the recurring themes in the novels of Marsé: the absent figure of the father, cinema as a sublimation of misery, the brutality of Franco's power, defrauded memory, defeat, eroticism mixed with sordidness...
Ringo's efforts to escape from the gray streets of a city where the future seems improbable are carried out alongside his friends, telling adventures, feeding their dreams in neighborhood cinemas, or writing in his notebook.
Based on texts by
Juan Marsé
Oriol Broggi
Pau Miró
Selection of texts
Andreu Jaume
and with the supervision of Juan Marsé
Jordi Figueras
Oriol Guinart
Mar del Hoyo
Xicu Masó
Jordi Oriol
Carles Pedragosa
Alícia Pérez
Xavier Ricart
Marc Serra
Jaume Sisa
Jaume Sisa
Sebastià Brosa
Guillem Gelabert
Berta Riera
Roc Mateu
Assistant director
Marc Artigau
Scenography assistant
Jorge Salcedo
IT management assistance
Begoña Moral
A coproduction of La Perla 29 and Teatre Lliure
It is not always easy to define what is being talked about or, rather, what one wants to talk about when starting a project. Perhaps, with a bit of luck, it becomes clearer during the process; sometimes, it's barely possible to explain it during the performances. I think it's important to have good ideas at the beginning to gather elements that can take us far, just as it's important to trust in that underground force that often propels you, that puts things in a certain place that seems right. Perhaps it has been like this in this curious intersection of streets where we have converged: La Perla 29 and the Teatre Lliure, Marsé and Sisa, Pau Miró and myself, the rest of the team, and, above all, the actors... oh, welcome, come in, come in!
Our story is about men of "iron, forged in so many battles, dreaming like children..." Our story, therefore, if we remove the iron and the battles for the younger ones, is about people who, from their suffering, find comfort and a path in storytelling. They can rise from their misery if they think of a way to move forward because they look differently and say things like: "Youthful dreams are corrupted in the mouths of adults" or "I began to cry like a child, but smoking a cigar, and my son clinging to my legs and crying to see me cry. And do you know what I told him? The same thing you're saying now, that this shit wasn't going to last - and it seems to me that we have many, many years ahead" or "All this happened many years ago, when the city was less plausible than it is now, but more real" or "the older and more decrepit one becomes, the less desire one has to judge anyone. I say this because I believe that God, who must be much older and more decrepit than me, when he receives me up there, will not judge me. He will say: Enter, Blay, and make yourself comfortable."
It is an honor to work with Juan Marsé and Jaume Sisa; with them and their materials, with everything they have invented. We have been able to get to know them and play with their creatures. "Along sandy paths seek out the landscape you like best for walking. Crouched in the grass, look at the silver sky, your illuminated face sparkling." Like the Child who grows up during the performance, who is discovering, knowing, learning, we are already children trapped in their worlds. And we are happy to be so. And we realize that... only you are missing!
Oriol Broggi
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