Tots Ocells

From Wajdi Mouawad directed by Oriol Broggi

From 06.25.2024 to 07.31.2024
3h 30min (intermission included)

A new text by Wajdi Mouawad has come to us, and it's an immense poem that gives wings to a great production. The characters of Tots Ocells (Birds of a kind) try to make themselves understood and hurt each other, they seek to explain themselves to know who they are, to speak in their different languages, their worlds, their beliefs. We want to embrace all the life it contains and expand it on stage, like a cry of rage and pain, like an ancient question, like a song that pierces our soul.


Eitan is a young man from a German Jewish family living in New York, studying human DNA. He meets Wahida, a young woman of Arab origin who is writing her thesis on a 16th-century humanist scholar who was forced to convert from Islam to Christianity. They fall in love, and Eitan will have to confront his family and his religious beliefs. But when the two embark on a journey to Israel and the West Bank, Eitan is caught in a terrorist attack on the Allenby border bridge, leaving him in a deep coma. This forces his family to travel from Germany to Tel Aviv, where they will discover their family's past and face the overwhelming presence of Wahida, while the world erupts in a mixture of beliefs, human DNA, religion and chance.

They will all be forced to cross the painful border between family love and the hatred of prejudice, where the violence of the outside world hovers over small domestic life and where generations crumble when the past overwhelms the present.

Artistic team

Wajdi Mouawad
Oriol Broggi 
Cristina Genebat

Guillem Balart
Xavier Boada
Joan Carreras
Màrcia Cisteró
Marissa Josa

Miriam Moukhles
Xavier Ruano
Clara Segura

Pep Barcons
Berta Riera
Damien Bazin
Francesc Isern
Oriol Broggi

Video and Subtitles Assistance
Aurembiaix Montardit
Jennifer Fernández
Isabel Trias
Tamsin Hull
Performance Technicians
Pau Montull and Pau Segura
Stage Management
Marc Serra and Maria Molist
Audience Services
Eva Cartañà and Núria Ubiergo
Setup Technicians
Fer Acosta, Roger Blasco, Anton Condal, Francis Kiiza, Marco Ruggero, Maria Vaillo, and Kevin Yobánolo
ESTAE Intern
Àlex Domingo
Scenography Construction
Scenography Workshop Castells and Pascualín Structures
Creation Process Photography and Video
Alex Rademakers
Show Photography
Bito Cels
Promotional Clip
David Andreu
Lurdes Vidal, Manuel Forcano, Antònia Sixto, Eli Peracaula, Xavier Ricart, Montse Vellvehí, La Colline – Théâtre National

A coproduction of Grec Festival 2024 and La Perla 29

Galeria imatges secundària (slide)
Direction notes

Reality once again surpassing fiction, exceeding it. I try to write a few lines to introduce what you will see, but I struggle to find the words. I could tell you great things about this beautiful text and the rehearsal process we have undertaken, so strong and full of life, or I could attempt to uncover some truth, more or less founded, that might help us to better understand the cruel world we live in. But I believe Tots Ocells contains a truth that now we cannot express solely in words, because it is like an amphibian that needs two mediums to live. I invite you, then, to find it and recognise it in the eyes of others.

We often search in vain for the exact word to encapsulate a reality so complex that we cannot grasp it. And during rehearsals, we try to articulate a form that captures the simplest truth behind this reality. Tots Ocells resonates with layers and layers of a history that seems impossible to unravel. Conflicts, dilemmas, identities and alterities, hopes, promises, frustrations, secrets that will have to be revealed in the midst of a world that is exploding and that leaves us with a pain in the form of a thousand questions.

Sometimes we need to traverse complexity to look truth in the face... Like the actors who look into each other’s eyes, and us who see ourselves in their gazes. And then, be consistent. Theatre cannot save any lives, but perhaps the story we will tell you can bring life to life. I thus invite you to find it and follow it in the space that exists while we look at each other.

Oriol Broggi and La Perla 29 



Last tickets
Sold out
jun. 2024
jul. 2024