
From Toni Gomila, Directed by Rafel Duran

From 10.23.2019 to 10.27.2019

Acorar premiered in October 2011 and since then it has been continuously performed on stages in the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Valencia, and even in Buenos Aires, Lima, and Montevideo, in this case as part of the Temporada Alta Festival. The monologue, written and performed by Toni Gomila and directed by Rafel Duran, has exceeded all expectations and arrives at the La Biblioteca Theater, which becomes "our home".


A voice rises from among us to express the cry. We mourn the death of a world, of a vanished reality, which we call 'ours', not so much because we own it, but because it defines us.
Acorar is a reflection on the collective identity of the peoples, on what defines us, what makes our community - still - exist. The text uses the description of a day of killings in Mallorca as a narrative excuse. And hence the title of the show. Trimming was a job reserved for the most expert, because it is not at all easy to do, and nowadays very few people know about it. Based on a tiny homemade fact, we offer a universal vision that provokes the viewer to reflect on their most intimate world. We will reach the secret intimacy of each one because what we offer is universal.

Artistic team

Toni Gomila
Rafel Duran
Assistant director
Antònia Jaume

Toni Gomila

Stage space and wardrobe
Rafel Lladó
Lighting and sound
Rafel Febrer
Kake Portas
Textile painting
Pere Terrassa
Margalida Munar
Antònia Jaume and Miquel Àngel Torrens
Jaume Miralles
Linguistic advice
Margalida Quetglas
Francesc Meseguer
Cristina Bugallo
Executive production
Toni Gomila and Cristina Bugallo

A production of Produccions de Ferro

Galeria imatges secundària (slide)
Direction notes

Walking outside the village, stepping on debris and stone, we find a milestone, once buried in the exact and primitive place where the thresholds that separate neighbors kiss. It seems that one day I stumbled upon the tip of one of these stones and it rose. Today marks eight years since we premiered "Acorar," and by unearthing that stone, I moved the landmarks, the limits, and the fears, and portals and fences opened. And the sky.

Today the photographs of that moment, the traversed cartography, the knowledge, the lessons, and so many lived experiences are presented tinged with a small joy that makes us see the fortune of growing up with this profession of theater, especially when your contemporaries value the effort and the significance, and the ephemeral act of telling a story remains fixed in their memory and makes it enduring.

Perhaps we lacked something. Perhaps it had to be this way. Perhaps it is now that we will take new flights. Perhaps it will be in the Library where we will be happy again. A library of talking stones, of breathing earth, of words that touch us, caress us, and make us, and where papers come to life. A den of people who live it. Maybe we would not have been complete without having touched the sea at the library.

We thought we would tell a story about the sacrifice of the pig, about death, about wounded Mallorca, and we discovered that we only know how to live and speak of life. And it is in this space where I learned to say 'Life, life, life!' and now here we are, with an eight on our backs so that theater overturns certainties and shapes them into an infinity of life, without landmarks or neighbors, all one.

Acorar is having roots firmly planted in the ground, in the earth, the only possible way to learn, to live, to fly.

Toni Gomila, Manacor, October seventh, two thousand and nineteen.



Last tickets
Sold out
oct. 2019
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished
oct. 2019
Teatre La Biblioteca  Finished