"The whole world is like a theatre, men and women are actors."
As You Like It, W. Shakespeare
To the victims of hope and optimism. At night, we sometimes suspect how it all begins but no one knows how it will end. The same thing happens with the theatre, with fiction... A man argues with a customer. What do you want to offer him? Only what you want. The night as fiction covers spaces and characters that seem to have come out of nowhere, and little by little the stage is filled with actors who are characters and characters who are actors. Words drag us and take us much further than we could imagine, to a new space, to a new story, where art and life meet and the result is always surprising.
Marc Artigau and Oriol Broggi
Oriol Broggi
Laura Aubert
Jordi Figueras
Tony Gomila
Montse Vellvehí
Ramón Villa
Ernest Villegas – from December 12 to 27 replaced by Oriol Broggi due to an injury to the actor.
Space and lighting
Oriol Broggi
Damien Bazin
Berta Riera
Assistant director
Marc Artigau
A production of La Perla 29
This play you are about to see is made of scraps. Our only idea has been to gather them and find a way for actors and audience to embark on a journey together. And during this journey, it should be possible to appreciate the acrobatics of the characters, and we can follow them with pleasure: how the actors switch between characters, see the drops of their sweat...! And to relax and savor their old craft. We would have taken so many words from so many authors, and made them our own..., because poets have the virtue of always saying hidden truths. Take note of these:
"I don't speak tonight as an author or as a poet, nor as a simple student of the rich panorama of human life, but as a fervent enthusiast of theater and its social action. Theater is one of the most expressive and useful instruments for the education of a country and the barometer that marks its greatness or its decline. A sensitive and well-directed theater in all its branches, from tragedy to vaudeville, can change the sensibility of a people in a few years; and a shattered theater, where hooves replace wings, can degrade an entire nation. Theater is a school of tears and laughter and a free forum where men can highlight old or mistaken morals and explain with living examples the eternal norms of the heart and the feelings of man".
Federico García Lorca
It is also necessary to explain that the title comes from a work of Shakespeare, As You Like It , which is the one we were originally supposed to rehearse with this group of actors; and the subtitle, "to the victims of hope and optimism", is by Don José Pérez del Río (or Mr. Pep).
It has been a pleasure for me to work with the actors and for you. The great team of La Perla allows us to work freely, and to reach where we have reached. Perhaps we have been wrong, but we have done it happily and with rigor. Enjoy the performance, and may it be to your liking.
Oriol Broggi
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Tel. 93 217 17 70
C/ Hospital, 56
Tel. 647 29 37 31
(a partir d'1h i 1/2
abans de la funció)